Jesse Young. Comic Writer. Lover.
Hello. Thanks for stopping by my site. My name is Jesse and I'll be your host for the duration of your stay on this site. It is designed to show off all the cool comic book projects I have or am currently working on. Maybe some other ramblings as well, that's all part of the mystery. Part of why you'll be coming back. You will won't you? Oh please come back, I don't think I can handle anymore rejection.
See. Witty Charm. Find all that and more by clicking wherever your little heart desires. Carry on.
EMAIL: writejessewrite at gmail dot com
TWITTER: @writejessewrite
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This site has what they call responsive design. It constantly changes the look and layout based on how big you have your browser open. So if something seems a little off when you are viewing the site, expand your window a little better to get the full effect. You can also shrink it down really little and it still looks pretty neat. Enjoy.